Practicing pickleball against the DrillPickle Rebounder can be a great way to improve your game, as it allows you to work on your accuracy, footwork, and reflexes. Here are some types of pickleball drills you can practice: 

1. Dinking Drill: Stand facing the rebounder at the kitchen line and hit forehand and backhand dinks against the rebounder. Try to hit the ball at the green targets right above the net and focus on your using your shoulder rotation to dink.

2. Volley Drill: Stand close to the rebounder and practice your volleys by hitting the ball against the rebounder with a short punch. Try to keep the ball low and consistent, and move your feet to get into the right position.

3. Half Volley Drill: Stand a little further from the rebounder and practice your half volleys by hitting the ball just after it bounces off the rebounder. This will help you work on your timing and reflexes.

4. Groundstroke Drill: Stand facing the rebounder with your paddle in hand, and hit forehand and backhand groundstrokes against the rebounder. Try to hit the ball in the same spot on the rebounder every time, and focus on your form and footwork.
5. Serve and Return Drill: Practice your serves and returns by hitting the ball against the rebounder and then trying to return it with a specific shot, such as a drop shot or lob.
Remember to practice each drill with both your forehand and backhand, and to focus on your technique and footwork. As you improve, try to increase the pace and variety of your shots to challenge yourself.